News & Posts

What is Disorderly Conduct?

In Florida, disorderly conduct is any behavior that disrupts a public space. Some common examples include making excessively loud noise, drunk and disorderly behavior, and fighting in the street. Florida Statute 877.03 defines disorderly conduct as acts that are of a...

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What are Ignition Interlock Devices?

An ignition interlock device (IID) is a car breathalyzer that prevents drivers from starting their car until they blow into the device. In Florida, these are required for certain driving under the influence (DUI) convictions.  An ignition interlock device is a proper...

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Real Life Criminal Court vs. TV Court

The courtroom dramas you see on television are fictionalized versions of what actually happens in real-life criminal court. On TV, it seems as if every criminal case goes to a trial and the defense and prosecution have to present their cases in front of a jury....

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Orlando Street Racing Attorney

In Florida, street racing occurs when the driver competitively drives a vehicle in a speeding contest. Florida Statute 316.191 outlines the four aspects of racing in Florida: Speed or acceleration contest - driving any vehicle (including motorcycles) in any race,...

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Why Should I Hire a DUI Attorney?

If you get caught driving under the influence, you will be charged with a criminal case and will have to appear in court. This is something you can try and fight on your own, however, it is not recommended. Driving Under the Influence cases are very serious and the...

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Florida Voting Rights for Felons

In 1868, immediately following the conclusion of the U.S. Civil War and the end of slavery in the south, the State of Florida passed an Amendment to the Florida Constitution prohibiting convicted felons from voting. Convicted felons in this State have been, and...

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License Suspension for Failure to Pay Child Support

Did you know that if you fail to pay child support, your driver’s license can be suspended? If you are 15 days past due in paying child support or fail to comply with a subpoena or order to appear, your license will be suspended.  According to Florida Statute 322.058,...

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What are the stages of a criminal case?

The criminal law system is a complex one to navigate alone. Having an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side can be very beneficial. Criminal defense attorneys must have a strong understanding of the criminal system to best help their clients.  How the...

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Top Christmas Crimes in Florida

Ugly Christmas sweaters at work parties are not considered a crime. However, shoplifting, package theft, domestic violence, and DUIs are all crimes and are seen more frequently leading up to Christmas.  Shoplifting, according to, is referred to as "retail...

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Will I Go To Jail For My First DUI?

Will I Go To Jail For My First DUI?

If you are ever charged with a DUI (Driving Under the Influence), you’ll probably have a lot of questions, including can you go to jail for a first offense? For a first-time DUI in Florida, it depends on the severity of the case. Florida is tough on drunk driving, so...

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What is a Pretrial Diversion Program?

Pretrial Diversion Programs are a form of deferred prosecution. They are typically intended for first-time offenders for misdemeanor or less serious felony crimes. However, we can sometimes get our clients into the program if they have some criminal history or are...

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False Accusations

Nobody ever wants to be accused of a crime and it’s worse if you never even committed the crime. Criminal convictions carry serious penalties, including heavy fines or jail time. If you have been falsely accused of a crime, you should retain an attorney right away as...

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Landmark Florida Cases

Throughout history, there have been several landmark cases that have shaped the legal landscape in Florida and even the country. Let’s take a look at some of these cases. Gideon v. Wainwright In 1961, Clarence Gideon was arrested and charged with breaking and entering...

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The Juvenile Delinquency Process

If your child has been arrested, your child will appear before a Judge within 24 hours to determine whether the Child shall be taken into custody (“secure detention”) or released. This hearing is known as a detention hearing. The detention hearing is mostly controlled...

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Florida’s Texting While Driving Law

Most of you may have heard about Florida enacting some form of law regarding “Texting While Driving,” however, you may not understand the extent of the law. Florida Statute 316.305 is considered “Florida’s Ban on Texting While Driving Law.” This statute lays out what...

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What is the Penalty for a First Time DUI?

Driving Under the Influence (DUI), often referred to as “drunk driving,” is when a driver of a motor vehicle has a blood alcohol content (BAC) over the legal limit, or their normal faculties are impaired by drugs or alcohol.  The standard BAC limit is .08 in every...

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What to Expect at Court

By Attorney Daveta Williams If it is your first time in the criminal justice system, you may wonder what to expect at court. Typically, what you can expect at court is a number of legal professionals addressing their case, one by one, before a presiding judge. The...

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