It can be a stressful and scary time when you are facing criminal charges. During the entirety of your criminal case, from arrest to your last court appearance, it is best to have an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side. They can help you navigate this tricky time and not get into any further trouble.


  1. Do not withhold information from your attorney. No detail is too small when it comes to your case. Make sure to tell your attorney everything that happened so they can build the best defense to help you.
  2. Do not talk to anybody about your case, except your attorney. This includes your friends and family. If a police officer approaches you to discuss your case, do not talk to them without your attorney. You could end up saying something that gets you in more trouble.
  3. Do not give up your Fifth Amendment right. This is your Miranda right, the right to remain silent after being arrested. When you are arrested, do not say anything to the police. Anything you say to the police can and likely will be used against you in court.
  4. Do not go to your Arraignment without an attorney. Once you have been arrested, you are given an Arraignment date. At Arraignment, the judge will ask you how you plead to the charges. Some people mistakenly enter a plea of ‘No Contest’ instead of ‘Not Guilty’ without understanding the difference. If you have an attorney on your side prior to Arraignment, they can likely excuse your appearance in court. They may even be able to get the charges dismissed prior to the court hearing.
  5. Do not think you can do this alone. When facing criminal charges, you may think you can fight the charges alone. However, you might find yourself in more trouble than before. It is best to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney right away because they will be able to create a strong defense for your case.

If you are facing criminal charges, it is in your best interest to always have an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side. They will be able to advise you through every step of the process and help keep you out of further trouble. 

*This is not intended to be legal advice, nor does it constitute a lawyer/client relationship. This content is provided for informational purposes only. 

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