Orlando Traffic Ticket Attorney

In Florida, traffic tickets must be paid within 30 days in the county court clerk’s office where the ticket was received. If you receive a traffic ticket you can pay by phone, mail, online, or in person.

However, if you feel like you haven’t committed any offense and wish to fight your ticket, are concerned about points on your driver’s license, or carry a commercial driver’s license (CDL), and are worried about the impact the ticket will have on your license, then you should consider challenging your ticket in court.

Traffic violations can result in expensive tickets, higher insurance rates, and the possibility of your driver’s license being suspended. Some traffic violations can even result in misdemeanor or felony charges.

Types of Traffic Tickets

There are different types of traffic tickets, including moving and nonmoving violations. Moving violations occur while the vehicle is in motion and the driver does not follow traffic laws, such as speeding, running a red light, leaving the scene of an accident, reckless driving, or texting while driving. Non-moving violations are infractions that occur whether or not the vehicle is moving such as illegal parking, expired plates, or broken tail lights, and other equipment-related violations.

Too many traffic violations on your driving record can lead to points and can result in a loss of your driver’s license. Also, major traffic violations such as reckless driving and leaving the scene of an accident can bring heavy fines and maybe an automatic suspension of your driver’s license. You might be eligible to complete a basic driving test or defensive driving course that can reduce or remove points off of your driving record. Not only can too many points result in a loss of your driver’s license, but they can also bring an increase to your insurance rates.

Attorney Brandon Gans has the experience and skills to fight your ticket for you. He can save you time, money, and effort. Attorney Gans can attend court on your behalf so you can get back to your life.

I’ve gotten 3 Red Light citations and Brandon Gans took care of them. I didn’t even have to miss work. It is a frightening experience not knowing what to expect after a citation. I have truly appreciated Brandon’s patience as he explained the process and listened to me through my frustration.

- Leah

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