License Suspension for Failure to Pay Child Support

Did you know that if you fail to pay child support, your driver’s license can be suspended? If you are 15 days past due in paying child support or fail to comply with a subpoena or order to appear, your license will be suspended.  According to Florida Statute 322.058,...

Is it Possible to Reinstate a Suspended License in Florida?

In Florida, there are a number of reasons for a suspended license, such as: Too many points; Failure to pay traffic tickets or court costs; Failure to pay red light camera tickets or toll violations; Failure to appear in court; Being deemed a habitual traffic...

DWLS: Traffic Ticket vs. Criminal Charge

Your driver’s license may be suspended as a result of failing to pay traffic tickets, court costs, child support, FR judgments, or point suspension, to name a few. If your license is suspended and you were stopped while driving, it is likely that you have been charged...