The Juvenile Delinquency Process

If your child has been arrested, your child will appear before a Judge within 24 hours to determine whether the Child shall be taken into custody (“secure detention”) or released. This hearing is known as a detention hearing. The detention hearing is mostly controlled...

Florida’s Texting While Driving Law

Most of you may have heard about Florida enacting some form of law regarding “Texting While Driving,” however, you may not understand the extent of the law. Florida Statute 316.305 is considered “Florida’s Ban on Texting While Driving Law.” This statute lays out what...

What is the Penalty for a First Time DUI?

Driving Under the Influence (DUI), often referred to as “drunk driving,” is when a driver of a motor vehicle has a blood alcohol content (BAC) over the legal limit, or their normal faculties are impaired by drugs or alcohol.  The standard BAC limit is .08 in every...

What to Expect at Court

By Attorney Daveta Williams If it is your first time in the criminal justice system, you may wonder what to expect at court. Typically, what you can expect at court is a number of legal professionals addressing their case, one by one, before a presiding judge. The...