Reinstatement of Driver’s License

If your license is suspended for any of the below reasons, there is a possibility that your license can be reinstated. Reinstatement of your driver’s license means that you can be back on the road driving with a valid driver’s license.

There are many things that could cause a suspension of your driver’s license such as too many points, failure to pay traffic tickets or court costs, failure to pay red light camera tickets or toll violations, being deemed a habitual traffic offender, being involved in an accident without insurance resulting in a civil judgment (FR Judgment), being convicted of a drug offense, among other things.

If you were driving while your license was suspended, revoked, canceled, or disqualified, and this is your third conviction for driving while your license was suspended, revoked, canceled, or disqualified within 5 years, you may be considered a habitual traffic offender and your license may be revoked for a period of 5 years.

If you were a party in a civil case, a judgment was issued against you, and you failed to pay the civil judgment issued, your driver’s license will be suspended as a result. This type of suspension will show on your driving record as an FR Judgement.

If you have been issued a traffic ticket that is considered a moving violation, the payment of the traffic ticket results in a conviction. This conviction will add points to your driving record. The accumulation of a specified amount of points within a certain timeframe will result in your license being suspended. This type of suspension will show on your driving record as a Points Suspension.

If you fail to pay traffic tickets, court costs, or toll violations, your driver’s license will be suspended as a result of a failure to pay. This type of suspension will show on your driving record as a Failure to Pay.

Contact our office today for a free consultation on how we can assist you with the reinstatement of your license.

I highly recommend Gans Law. They are a very professional law firm that handled our case swiftly and professionally. The communication throughout the process was tremendous.

- Gilbert

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