Orlando Street Racing Attorney

In Florida, street racing occurs when the driver competitively drives a vehicle in a speeding contest. Florida Statute 316.191 outlines the four aspects of racing in Florida: Speed or acceleration contest – driving any vehicle (including motorcycles) in any...

Florida’s Texting While Driving Law

Most of you may have heard about Florida enacting some form of law regarding “Texting While Driving,” however, you may not understand the extent of the law. Florida Statute 316.305 is considered “Florida’s Ban on Texting While Driving Law.” This statute lays out what...

DWLS: Traffic Ticket vs. Criminal Charge

Your driver’s license may be suspended as a result of failing to pay traffic tickets, court costs, child support, FR judgments, or point suspension, to name a few. If your license is suspended and you were stopped while driving, it is likely that you have been charged...