What is Blackout Wednesday? It is the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving, starting the most deadly time of the year when law enforcement sees a spike in DUI cases. According to Traffic Safety Marketing, from 2015 to 2019, 135 drivers involved in fatal crashes on Thanksgiving Eve were alcohol-impaired. 

Holiday parties, endless happy hours, increased depression, and anxiety surrounding the holidays all lead to an increase in alcohol consumption. 

Drinking and driving, Florida Statute 316.193, carries serious penalties, more so if there are injuries or fatalities. These penalties can include fines, probation, and license suspension. If your BAC is above.15 or there are minors in the vehicle, the DUI arrest will carry enhanced penalties. 

According to Florida Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles, “in 2020, 746 fatalities from crashes involving alcohol, drugs, or a combination of both in Florida – a decrease of more than 33% from 2019.” Even though there was a decrease in overall DUIs, that does not mean the police are being any less vigilant in catching impaired drivers. With the holiday season right around the corner, local law enforcement is prepping for the increase in impaired drivers on the road. 

If you plan on going out, whether on Blackout Wednesday or any other time this holiday season, you should always have a plan before going out. If you know you are going to be drinking, leave your car at home and take an Uber, or make plans with someone to be your designated driver. 

If you get arrested for a DUI, contact experienced DUI Attorney Brandon Gans today for a free case evaluation.