What is Disorderly Conduct?

In Florida, disorderly conduct is any behavior that disrupts a public space. Some common examples include making excessively loud noise, drunk and disorderly behavior, and fighting in the street. Florida Statute 877.03 defines disorderly conduct as acts that are of a...

What are Ignition Interlock Devices?

An ignition interlock device (IID) is a car breathalyzer that prevents drivers from starting their car until they blow into the device. In Florida, these are required for certain driving under the influence (DUI) convictions.  An ignition interlock device is a proper...

Real Life Criminal Court vs. TV Court

The courtroom dramas you see on television are fictionalized versions of what actually happens in real-life criminal court. On TV, it seems as if every criminal case goes to a trial and the defense and prosecution have to present their cases in front of a jury....