Moving vs Non-Moving Violations in Florida

In Florida, traffic violations can either be moving or non-moving. Both types can appear on your driving record, but only one type can lead to points and having your license suspended

Non-Moving Violations

A non-moving violation is a traffic infraction that violates the law but is not associated with the driver’s maneuvering of the vehicle. Some common non-moving violations include:

  • Parking violations, such as parking in front of a fire hydrant or parking in a no-parking zone
  • Vehicle safety violations, such as excessive muffler noise, too-dark window tint, or missing license plate
  • Expired vehicle registration
  • ​​Driving with expired registration
  • Driving without insurance
  • No seat belt worn

These violations usually result in smaller fines, as opposed to moving violations, however, they can still go on your driving record. 

Moving Violations

A moving violation occurs when a traffic law is violated by a vehicle in motion. Some common violations include:

  • Speeding
  • Careless driving
  • Improper backing
  • Failure to obey a traffic control device
  • Driving with a suspended or revoked license
  • Stop sign violations
  • Failing to signal a turn
  • Improper lane change
  • Racing and reckless driving
  • Driving too fast for conditions

Moving violations carry points and too many violations can result in having your license suspended

Orlando Traffic ticket Attorney

Commercial driver’s license (CDL) holders who are cited for any of the above traffic violations can face additional penalties. 

If you get a moving or non-moving violation ticket in Central Florida, contact experienced traffic ticket Attorney Brandon Gans for a free consultation. 

My lawyer Mr. Gans from start-to-finish took my DUI case with immediate expertise communicating to me my exact position I was in, available rights and always kept me feeling confident to the decisions that were made which resulted in a complete dismissal judgement in my favor. Having worked alongside attorneys for over 10 years myself Mr. Gans expertise and results driven performance has definitely placed himself in a league of his own within his industry. I would highly recommend him to anyone who is in need of services he and his firm offer

- Jayson

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