In Florida, drivers are accustomed to the many toll roads across the state. With the advancements in technology, drivers can now use their E-Pass or SunPass to quickly pass through the toll booths. However, as with all technology, complications can arise, such as not updating your credit card information or forgetting to pay your bill. In these instances, even just driving through the E-Pass lane without a device can lead to a toll violation.

It is quite easy to rack up toll violations, especially without you ever knowing it. Unless you get pulled over by law enforcement and they tell you about the toll violations, or you remember to check your account to ensure everything is up to date, you may not find out your license is suspended until it is too late. 

According to Florida Statute 316.1001, a person may not use any toll facility without payment of tolls. Failure to pay the toll is a noncriminal traffic infraction, punishable as a moving violation.

The toll authorities are supposed to notify you via mail and email of too many violations. It is best to check your account often to ensure everything is paid and there are no outstanding charges. 

The fees for toll violations can grow quickly. Before paying these large fines, you may want to consult with an Orlando toll ticket lawyer. A lawyer can usually negotiate with the toll authority to get a number of your tickets dismissed. This will keep your record cleaner and may save you hundreds of dollars.

If your license is suspended due to too many toll violations, do not drive. Driving with a suspended or revoked license, even if you weren’t aware it was suspended, can carry serious consequences. 

Driving with a suspended license without knowledge is a civil matter, rather than criminal. However, it will still be a strike toward becoming a Habitual Traffic Offender

If you are caught driving while your license is suspended and you had knowledge of the suspension, you will be charged with a second-degree misdemeanor, with fines up to $500 and up to 60 days in jail or probation, along with a strike toward becoming a Habitual Traffic Offender. 

If you have Florida toll violations leading to a suspended license, contact experienced traffic attorney Brandon Gans today for a free consultation. Don’t try and fight the license suspension on your own.